How To Wear- our fold over stretchy waistbands

Written by Sarah Garrett-Hodoniczky


Posted on June 05 2018

We love the stretchy fold down waistbands and so do our customers. Not only are they super comfortable, you are able to customise the way you wear your skirts and pants. We all wear our skirts and pants differently, some prefer high waisted and some prefer low slung on the hips, all options are possible with this ingenious waistband. Another advantage is if your sizing fluctuates, the waistband is more than accommodating for a few kilos more or a few kilos less. 

There are three ways to wear this waistband. We have attempted to do a step by step instruction below, and hopefully this will help you. 

So this is the start position for all three options. Simply fold the waistband up over your ribs. Option one is to leave it like this, perfect for winter for added coziness. 

Option number two is to simply fold the waistband in half, covering the join between the waistband and the skirt or pant. This is probably the best option if you prefer to wear it low on the hips, as it gives you the narrowest band. 

The final option is my favourite, and how I wear all of mine. 
Start with the waistband folded up, now pinch it approximately a third of the way from the bottom, pinching the top layer only and pull it down over the join between the waistband of the pants or skirt. 

When you have pulled it down, continue by pinching and releasing to create a gathered effect. Continue to ruche to your hearts desire. This creates a decorative waistband and sits flat underneath other tops or overlays. 

The styles that these instructions are applicable to are the Nellie pants, Geranium skirt, Rococco pant, Dixie skirt, The Levitate, Helen pants, and the Rambler pants.




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